
Footage captures various rare wild animals in Xinjiang


Footage captures various rare wild animals in Xinjiang

2022-12-25 17:17:35 來源:Ecns.cn

The infrared cameras of Altun Mountains National Nature Reserve captured the footage of snow leopards, brown bears, European badgers, jackals, Tibetan foxes, wild yaks, kiang, Tibetan antelopes and other rare wild animals.

Altun Mountains National Nature Reserve is located in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with a total area of 45,000 square kilometers and an average altitude of 4,580 meters. It borders Hoh Xil in Qinghai Province and Qiangtang National Nature Reserve in Tibet Autonomous Region.

In recent years, nearly a thousand sub-infrared cameras have been set up in Altun Mountains National Nature Reserve, recording many valuable videos of wild animals. There are 17 kinds of national first-class protected animals and 31 kinds of national second-class protected animals in Altun Mountains National Nature Reserve.

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