
Xinjiang Aksu walnut kernels exported to Iraq for the first time


Xinjiang Aksu walnut kernels exported to Iraq for the first time

2022-12-08 17:51:32 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) – A total of 24 tons of walnut kernels produced in Aksu Prefecture, North China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region were approved by local customs on Tuesday to become the first batch of Aksu walnuts exported to Iraq.

The 'green channel' opened by the Aksu customs provided us with one-stop services, which has greatly shortened customs clearance time, said a walnut exporter.

With abundant water, soil, light and heat resources, Aksu Prefecture is the main producer of high-quality fruit and thin-skinned walnuts in Tarim Basin. It is renowned as the hometown of walnuts in China.

According to statistics, in the first 10 months of this year, walnut enterprises under Aksu Customs have exported more than 7,400 tons of walnuts to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Turkey, Iraq and other countries and regions.

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