
Khorgos listed into Xinjiang pilot free trade zone


Khorgos listed into Xinjiang pilot free trade zone

2023-12-07 23:37:14 來源:Ecns.cn

Khorgos, a city in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, was officially listed as a part of the newly launched Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) on Tuesday.  

The listing ceremony was also held on the same day. At the ceremony, the local government launched eight new innovative measures to promote high-quality development of the Khorgos area, and 26 companies signed cooperation contracts, reaching a contract value of 20.95 billion yuan (about 2.95 billion U.S. dollars). The new contracts cover different fields, including equipment, manufacturing, new energy and new materials, trade logistics and finance.  

The implementation area of the Xinjiang FTZ is 179.66 square kilometers, including 16.58 square kilometers in the Khorgos area.  

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