
Cotton enters harvest season in NW China's Xinjiang


Cotton enters harvest season in NW China's Xinjiang

2023-10-17 12:22:01 來源:中新網新疆

In October, 6.16 million mu (about 0.41 million hectares) of cotton in the Kashgar region of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region began to spit, ushering in a bumper harvest.  

In a cotton field located in Kashgar, large-scale cotton pickers were traveling back and forth. According to reports, this year's cotton planting area is larger than last year's, and the yield is also particularly high.  

Kashgar region is located in the south of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, belonging to the warm temperate continental arid climate zone, and is one of the most suitable areas for cotton growth. In recent years, the Kashgar region has continued to promote cotton mechanization planting, improving the planting efficiency and reducing the cost of planting.  

In front of a cotton trading company, many cotton farmers were seen loaded with freshly picked cotton to sell.  

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is the main producing area of cotton in China, with the planting area accounting for more than 85 percent of the country, and cotton producing has now become the first major economic pillar industry in Xinjiang.  

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