
China's first 'zero-altitude astronomical observation station' put into use


China's first 'zero-altitude astronomical observation station' put into use

2023-08-17 17:23:17 來源:Ecns.cn

At an altitude of 4,526 meters, China's first "zero-altitude astronomical observation station," the Muztagh-ata, was officially delivered for demonstration application in the Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.  

The 1.93-m optical telescope at the station was jointly built by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO), Beijing Normal University, Xinjiang University and Nanjing Institute of Astronomy and Optical Telescope.  

The telescope is expected to make significant contributions to deep space exploration, the study of gravitational waves, supernove, AGN, exoplanet search and near-Earth object monitoring.  

"Zero-altitude building" refers to the use of pressurization and other technologies to adjust the indoor key human settlement environment indicators to the low altitude level in the plain area, so that the human body feels more comfortable.  

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