
Xinjiang's imports, exports to central Asian countries hit nearly 167 bln


Xinjiang's imports, exports to central Asian countries hit nearly 167 bln

2023-01-17 20:19:50 來(lái)源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) -- Imports and exports by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan surged over 60 percent year-on-year to more than 166.9 billion yuan (about $24.91 bln) in 2022, hitting a new record, official data showed on Saturday.

Thirteen land ports have resumed freight customs clearance and the efficiency of the region's ports has reportedly improved.

Xinjiang has introduced 723.48 billion yuan from outbound areas, an increase of over 30 percent, said Erkin Tuniyaz, chairman of the Xinjiang regional government.

Xinjiang's total import and export value exceeded 240 billion yuan in 2022, and that figure is expected to increase by about 10 percent, one of the main targets of the region's socio-economic development, he added.

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