
Rabbit-themed ice sculptures attract tourists in Xinjiang


Rabbit-themed ice sculptures attract tourists in Xinjiang

2023-01-17 20:18:06 來源:中新網(wǎng)

The 6th ice and snow festive season kicked off in Sayram Lake on Sunday in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. There are magnificent large-scale rabbit-themed ice sculptures, snow sculptures, ice swans, ice waterfalls, Chinese knots, and giant Chinese character "Fu" (meaning happiness or luck). These ice sculptures have attracted many visitors.

A tourist from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province said the local people here were very enthusiastic and the activities were interesting.

Located at the north slope of Tianshan Mountain, Sayram Lake is known as the "last tear of the Atlantic Ocean". In recent years, the scenic spot has built ice sculptures, snow sculptures, ice rinks, ice tunnels, snow walls and other facilities along the lake. Scenic spots of Sayram Lake are connected through various activities, and it has been an ice and snow park.

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