
China-Central Asia gas pipeline transports 43.2 bln cubic meters to China in 2022


China-Central Asia gas pipeline transports 43.2 bln cubic meters to China in 2022

2023-01-06 15:32:48 來源:Ecns.cn

(ECNS) -- In 2022, the China-Central Asia gas pipeline has transported 43.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China, with a daily transport amount of about 100 million cubic meters, a strong guarantee for the demand of Chinese market, according to the Horgos initial compressor station of PipeChina West Pipeline Company on Thursday.

Horgos initial compressor station is the first stop of the China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline and also a critical point of China's West-to-East Gas Pipeline. The station shoulders the task of receiving, measuring and exporting natural gas from Central Asia and coal gas from Yili in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with an operation pressure of 12 MPa.

The station has eight natural gas compressors, with a total power of more than 240 megawatts, which can pressurize over 2,000 cubic meters per second.

China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline runs from the border of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, passes through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and links up with China's West-to-East Gas Pipeline in Horgos.

As China's first transnational gas pipeline, it benefits over 500 million people in 27 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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