
Xinjiang produces over 90% of China's cotton in 2022: official


Xinjiang produces over 90% of China's cotton in 2022: official

2022-12-26 18:34:12 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) – Xinjiang produces 5.391 million tons of cotton in 2022, an increase of 5.1 percent over the previous year, accounting for 90.2 percent of the country's total, the country's National Bureau of Statistics announced on Monday.

As Xinjiang enjoys fine weather, sufficient heat and suitable water over the year, cotton fields are under good conditions. Xinjiang cotton field produced 2,158.5 kg per hectare in 2022, an increase of 5.5 percent over the previous year.

The total area of cotton fields shrank 0.9 percent in 2022 to around 3.02 million hectares, said Wang Guirong, director of the bureau's rural division.

Chinese cotton fields produced 1,992 kg per hectare, an increase of 5.3 percent over the previous year. Data shows that China’s cotton output was 5.977 million tons in 2022, an increase of 4.3 percent over the previous year.

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