
First super-high plateau airport in NW China's Xinjiang opens to traffic


First super-high plateau airport in NW China's Xinjiang opens to traffic

2022-12-25 17:18:36 來源:Ecns.cn

A Flight CZ5193 from Urumqi landed at the Tashkurgan Khunjerab Airport on Friday, marking the official operation of the first super-high plateau airport in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

With an attitude of 3,258 meters, the airport is designed to handle a throughput of 160,000 passengers and 400 tonnes of cargo annually.

Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, located on the Pamir Plateau, is home to over 30,000 Tajik people.

To improve the traffic conditions for all ethnic groups on the plateau, construction of the Tashkurgan Khunjerab Airport with an investment of 1.6 billion yuan (about 229 million U.S. dollars) started in 2020.

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