
Oil and gas production exceeds10 million metric tons at Fuman oil field


Oil and gas production exceeds10 million metric tons at Fuman oil field

2022-10-11 11:15:25 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) -- Oil and gas production at the Fuman oil field, a main crude oil block located in the Tarim oil fields in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, exceeded 10 million metric tons by Sunday, including 8.67 million metric tons of crude oil and 1.6 billion cubic meters of gas, according to the China National Petroleum Corp.

The production accounts for one-third of the total from the Tarim oil fields.

Located in the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, the Fuman oil field is the largest ultra-deep oil and gas field in China, with more than 10 billion metric tons of oil and gas resources buried at a layer of 7,500 to 10,000 meters.

The Fuman oil field features ultra depth, ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure, so identifying oil reserves is extremely difficult.

Technology breakthroughs have been made in the Tarim in recent years, ensuring the steady growth of its oil and gas production.

The Fuman has drilled nine oil wells, with a daily output of 1,000 metric tons and 150 wells with a daily output of 100 metric tons, and established 16 oil and gas installations and stations since 2018.

Its crude oil output has been rising rapidly for three consecutive years, with an average annual growth of 500,000 metric tons.

By 2025, it will be built into an ultra-deep oil field, with an annual oil-gas valent weight of five million metric tons.

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