
Xinjiang's largest wind turbine lifted into place


Xinjiang's largest wind turbine lifted into place

2022-10-09 16:12:02 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS)-- A 6.7-megawatt wind turbine was lifted into its place in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Thursday, with electrical lines commencing installation.

The wind turbine is currently the largest in Xinjiang, boasting the largest capacity in China, with a 110-meter-high hub, 93-meter-long impeller blades, and 134-ton turbine nacelle.

The wind turbine was under an 800,000-kilowatt wind power project in Mulei county. With an investment of 4.18 billion yuan($0.59 billion), the project is expected to generate 2.2 billion kWh after completion, saving 670,000 metric tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1.76 million tons.

With abundant wind resources, Xinjiang has become a major power contributor to China's central and eastern regions. Mulei County now boasts 41 wind power generation enterprises, with wind power companies above the designated size having generated 4.59 billion kWh from January to August this year.

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