
Northwest China's Xinjiang enters harvest season


Northwest China's Xinjiang enters harvest season

2022-09-29 21:11:25 來源:ECNS.cn

(ECNS) -- A bumper harvest has begun across Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China.

In Aksu, figs, walnuts, grapes and fragrant pears hang on the branches. Cotton and red dates grow well in Kashgar Prefecture, and farmers are busy picking and delivering them.

In the Gobi Desert in Bohu County, Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, farmers started drying peppers. The Gobi Desert was covered with red peppers that were continuously dried, presenting a spectacular sight.

Due to plenty of sunshine and distinctive temperature difference, Gobi Desert is suitable for drying peppers. In local area, the pepper drying usually lasts until early November.

In Shuangcheng Town in Alaer City, 40,000 mu (2666.7 hectares) of apples were harvested and packed into wooden and cardboard boxes. Farmers had a bumper harvest.

In Fuhai County, Altay region, as gourd, confection sunflower, corn, wheat and other crops entered the harvest season, agricultural machinery were applied to harvest crops in the fields.

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