
Local farmers in Xinjiang get rich for pepper planting


Local farmers in Xinjiang get rich for pepper planting

2022-09-14 11:31:02 來源:Ecns.cn

  (ECNS) -- Large scales of peppers in Hotan County, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, ushered in a bumper harvest in September。

  Hotan County began planting pigmented peppers since 2018。 Located on the southern fringe of the Taxkorgan Desert, Hotan County is less rainy and suffers severe soil salinization。 However, thanks to its sufficient sunlight and heat resources, pepper planting here secured a big success。

  In the past four years, the planting area of Bakedun Village has expanded a hundred times。

  Salamati Abdusdiq(transliteration), a farmer in Bakedun Village, has planted peppers for four years, and his farm got bigger and bigger these years。

  “The pigments pepper can bring us about 5,000 yuan ($722) per mu。 This year I planted 10 mu, and the income can reach 70,000 yuan ($10106) to 80,000 yuan ($11550),” he said。

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