
Millions of livestock begin autumn migration in NW China's Xinjiang


Millions of livestock begin autumn migration in NW China's Xinjiang

2022-08-31 10:52:05 來源:ECNS.CN

(ECNS) -- Millions of livestock in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region began their seasonal migration from Bayanbulak Grassland to autumn pastures a few days ago.

The herd will cross mountains and grasslands, and travel hundreds of kilometers to the autumn pasture.

Bayanbulak Grassland is about 2,500 meters above sea level in the mountain basin in Hejing County, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

"It usually takes about two days to move to the autumn pasture. If all the herders choose to move, the transfer will be completed by the end of September," said a herdsman.

The seasonal transfer is a way to avoid overgrazing on the same pasture, but also allows the grassland to renew itself.

The autumn transfer of livestock this year in Hejing County will last from late August to late September.

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