
7th China-Eurasia Expo postponed until mid-September


7th China-Eurasia Expo postponed until mid-September

2022-08-18 12:49:43 來源:ECNS.cn

 ?。‥CNS) -- The Seventh China-Eurasia Expo has been postponed until mid-September this year due to the latest outbreak of COVID-19 in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to an announcement released by the secretariat of the Expo on Wednesday。

  The expo was planned to be held from Aug。 25 to 30, 2022, at the Xinjiang International Convention & Exhibition Center in Urumqi。

  Urumqi reported 4 confirmed and 33 asymptomatic cases on Wednesday。 All the confirmed cases were converted from previous asymptomatic cases。

  Xinjiang reported 27 confirmed cases as of Wednesday in the latest outbreak。

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