
Yotkan tourist attraction in Xinjiang opens to public


Yotkan tourist attraction in Xinjiang opens to public

2022-07-22 17:14:38 來源:ECNS.cn

 ?。‥CNS) -- Yotkan tourist attraction in Hotan, northwest China‘s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, opened to the public on Thursday after three years of construction。

  It covers about 10.4 hectares, with a build-up area of 70,000 square meters。

  An opening ceremony started with a Xinjiang-style dance。

  Hospitable vendors, dancing girls and boys, dazzling handicrafts, Xinjiang specialties, and flying carpet performance made tourists feel as if they were walking in an ancient kingdom thousands of years ago。

  The performance staged every night at 10:30 aims to reproduce the prosperous scenery of ancient Khotan on the Silk Road。

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